Our Vision
All the Bible in Song to All the World
We help you to Listen-Sing-Meditate on the Bible – chapter by chapter.
The Bible Song allows you to “download” God’s Word directly into your heart and mind. The Bible Song is one song composed of thousands of unique melodies that flow like a river from Genesis to Revelation. Singing the Bible creates indelible memories that are accessible forever. As you saturate yourself with each Bible verse and its unique melody, you absorb it into your heart and mind. God promises us that Scripture meditation and abiding in his Word yield true success and great reward when meditation leads to inspired and informed obedience. God’s transformative Word renews the mind and gives wisdom. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith based action inspired by the scriptures potentiates personal growth in the knowledge of God and sparks accelerated world gospel impact.
The Bible Song All Scripture Hymnal is a generational paradigm shift in Christian Education.
By listening to and singing The Bible Song, people of all ages effortlessly memorize verses, chapters and even entire books of the Bible. Millions of Christians worldwide will know God’s Word cover-to-cover and word-for-word. Stream the Audio New Testament or Experience Video on YouTube – The Bible Song Word for Word Ministries.
Inspirational Quotes
Charles Swindoll encouraged –
I know of no other single practice in the Christian life more rewarding, practically speaking, than memorizing Scripture … No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends! Your prayer life will be strengthened. Your witnessing will be sharper and much more effective. Your attitudes and outlook will begin to change. Your mind will become alert and observant. Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced. Your faith will be solidified.
Ronald Reagan affirmed –
Of the many influences that have shaped the United States into a distinctive nation and people, none may be said to be more fundamental and enduring than the Bible.
Isaac Newton declared –
We account the scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy. I find more sure marks of authenticity in the Bible than in any profane history whatsoever.
Abraham Lincoln asserted –
I am busily engaged in the study of the Bible. I believe the Bible is the best gift God has ever given to man. All the good of the Savior of the world is communicated to us through the Book.